If I got it all for free that would be a different matter but I paid good money for this basic laptop so I shouldn’t have to be worried about MS elbowing in all the time.

I’m really sick of MS trying to run my life. I have to keep two copies, with only one open at a time then update when I save and close just incase.

I had to find someone who would lend me their phone, enter the details, drive down the road until I got reception to receive the txt, drive home, enter it in the laptop.įinally I was able to load Open Office but even now after being disabled, MS Office will stick it’s bl**dy nose in and shut down my work, causing Open Office to crash thereby loosing the latest save of my work. However, to get the unlock code to get laptop out of SMode and then subsequently out of “locked”, I needed a mobile since apparently email is not secure enough. I live in a remote black spot area so no point in owning one. Getting rid of S Mode took me 3 days, caused me untold frustrations and anxiety, ended up locking the computer all because I don’t have a mobile phone! I wanted Open Office and attempted to load it without success due to the S Mode thing. I go a basic laptop on sale to write my freelance work on but I didn’t want to pay extra for Office.